20.3 Chemical list
According to the Chemicals Act, the company should have a list of the chemical substances
that are used in the company and their Material Safety Data Sheets. The list
should include at least the trade name and short description of the product with warning
20.4 Handling of chemical substances
The worker must always carefully read and follow the instructions on the product
All containers and jars where chemicals are kept or stored need to have the trade name
of the product and the appropriate warning labels. The containers and jars must be
designated for storing the specific chemical. If a chemical is placed into a new container,
be sure to label the container correctly.
Ympyröi varoitusmerkki! / Circle the warning signs! / Zakrel kólkiem znaki ostrzegawcze! /
Röngasta ohumärk! / O!
Aineen nimi/Chemical Name/Nazwa substancji chemicznej/
Päivämäärä/ Date / Kuupäev / Data / Yritys / Company Name / Firma / Nazwa firmy /
_______________________________ ____________________________________________________
Varmista kemikaalin käyttö- ja suojautumisohjeet käyttöturvallisuustiedotteesta!
Check protection instructions in the Material Safety Data Sheet!
Kontrolli kasutus ja ohutus nõuded ohutuskaardist! Sprawd instrukcje dot. rodków ochronnych w Kartcie
Charakterystyki Substancji Niebezpiecznej! e
A sample of a safety label
Never allow any chemical discharges into the soil, sea, or sewage system.