X-ray radiation
X-ray radiation is produced during X-ray
scan of joints and welds. Only competent
people who are approved by Radiation
and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) are
allowed to use x-ray equipment.
Follow the instructions below when
working in an area where x-ray equipment
is being used:
The area where x-ray equipment is being
used is marked with the radiation warning
symbol. If necessary, the area may
also be isolated with sealing-off lines and
guarding arranged.
Keep a distance of at least 10 m to the
radiating equipment. Strictly follow the
instructions of the NDT inspectors. If you
suspect you have been exposed to radiation
during the testing, immediately
contact the QC department supervisor or
Impurities in air
(dust, smoke, and chemical vapors)
Grinding, welding, flame straightening
and painting produce dust particles and
smoke that can be harmful to health.
Everyone is responsible to not endanger
other workers with the air pollution produced
by his work. You should use spot
exhaust, ventilation and personal protec-
tive equipment to prevent any accidents
and work-related diseases. Detailed
information concerning protection
against chemicals is provided in Material
Safety Data Sheets.
Laser radiation
A laser beam is used in alignment and
measuring. Laser is different from natural
light because with it you can have a very
narrow light beam.
If a laser beam hits your eye either directly
or reflected, it can damage the retina.
The laser used in alignment and measuring
doesn’t damage the skin.
Only competent persons with appropriate
training are allowed to use laser. By-
standers are to follow the instructions
given by the laser operator.
Council of State Ordinance on the protection
of workers from risks arising
from exposure to optical radiation
(146/2010) regulates issues relating to
exposure to radiation.