Every year in Finland there are several ladder-related fatal accidents.
Slippery or uneven areas around the top and the bottom of
the ladder often cause ladders to fall. Therefore, always tie off (secure)
a ladder at the top. There are also other ways in short-term
work to prevent ladders from falling or sliding (e.g. by having a
co-worker hold the ladder).
It is forbidden to use ladders as working levels. Ladders
can be used only as a temporary passageway or while
fastening or removing lifting gear or when performing other
similar one-time short tasks.
Use the top steps only as a handgrip. Use only certified ladders.
Stepladders (A-ladders) should be used for light work only
when it is not reasonable to call for scaffolding. They should be
used only in spaces that are not higher than normal rooms and
they should be standing on an even and firm floor.
Mobile elevating work platforms
In some situations mobile elevating work platforms can be used
instead of scaffolding. Mistakes in the operation of the mobile
elevating work platform may lead to serious accidents. Learn the
operation instructions of the crane and the operating environment
before you attempt its use. Do routine check-ups always in the beginning
of your shift.