Gas cylinders
Gas cylinders are categorized as pressure vessels. The pressure in the cylinder may be
as high as 300 bars (approx. 300 times the atmospheric pressure) therefore, it is important
to handle the cylinders carefully.
Valves should be tightly closed always when the cylinders are not being used.
Oxygen cylinders, their valves, and cylinder fittings are not to be touched with greasy
hands due to the risk of explosion. Never allow oil or grease to come in contact with
oxygen valves or cylinder fittings.
When in use the cylinders should be placed so that the valves of the acetylene and
oxygen cylinders don’t point toward one another.
Storing of gas cylinders
At the end of the working day bring the gas cylinders to a place designated for them
and from where they can be easily evacuated.
It is allowed to store several gas cylinders at the same time in the same place only in a
place specifically designated for this purpose.
A special permit from the fire chief or the gas supervisor at the yard is required to store
the cylinders permanently in any other place.
Keep them in an upright position and fasten them to prevent them from falling (motor
gas cylinders are an exception).
Don’t place the cylinders
near any flammable materials
in oily or greasy areas
in poorly ventilated areas
in areas where they can be exposed to heat
in such a way that they might fall or tip or otherwise get