Well-being at work
Well-being at work is affected by both
social factors (e.g. relationship between
people, working alone) and physical
factors (e.g. facilities, machinery, lighting,
temperature, noise). In a good working
environment the worker can get help
from his fellow-workers or supervisor, if
he / she so wishes.
Everyone’s sense of well being is affected
by the ability to feel safe and secure.
To be under psychical or physical harassment,
or to be threatened by such,
impairs the workplace atmosphere and
reduces motivation. Such harassing
behavior needs to be dealt with. Although
it is everybody’s responsibility, the initial
responsibility lies with the supervisor to
deal with any conflicts.
Psychical well-being improves the working
efficiency of individual workers and
the whole working community. It contributes
to a real team spirit in the community,
increases productivity, and improves
the overall atmosphere in the workplace.
There will also be less time lost to illness,
fewer errors on the job, and lower em-
ployee turnover. In a team every member
bears responsibility for the success
of the job.
Everyone has the opportunity to give input
concerning the content and amount
of work they are assigned. If the workload
is too small, it reduces motivation.
At the same time if you are overloaded
with work, it can cause stress and other
problems. An employee whose workload
has been well estimated and planned
feels that he is useful and sees the value
of his work as part of a larger whole. He is
motivated to work, confident that he can
manage his job, and is eager to learn new
things and improve his skills. When the
workload is appropriate the work may be
challenging, but goes smoothly.
The supervisor should know about a particular
employee’s condition and take
measures to ensure work ability. If necessary,
the supervisor can get help from
qualified occupational health professionals
or other experts.
Workplace procedures relating to sickness
absence must be agreed upon with
the employer, employee representatives
and occupational health services.
Things that affect well-being are normally
very practical and do not require huge
investments. Lack of internal cooperation
often hinders the development of a
healthy working environment. Well being
of personnel at the workplace can be
improved simply by developing cooperation
and an atmosphere of open communication.
A lot can be done to improve well-being
and working environment. Sometimes
it is enough when it is acknowledged
why people are burdened. Good reliable
friends and workmates are important.
Healthy living, hobbies, enough rest, and
exercise help us to have a better perspective
on everyday problems.