5. Occupational Health Care
The employer shall arrange occupational health care for the employees as defined in
the Occupational Health Care Act. The employer may also arrange medical treatment.
The aim of occupational health care is to prevent work-related health risks and to promote
the health and working capacity of employees. The occupational health practice
is controlled by the Occupational Health and Safety authorities.
Occupational health care practice covers the following areas:
Workplace assessment in order to identify the work-related and
working environment related health risks
Identification and assessment of work-related health risks and
problems and arranging health risk related medical check-ups
for the employees
Making suggestions for improvement of the working environment
and informing the parties involved about the suggestions
Monitoring and promoting the ability of disabled employees to
manage at work and directing employees for rehabilitation
Creating and maintaining a cooperative and collaborative network
First aid resources, planning and arranging
Individual and group counseling, as well as providing advising on
maintenance of work ability
Evaluating the effectiveness of own work
Fast and effective treatment of occupational diseases and accidents