What to do if any problems
When you have noticed that there has
been gas leaking into a confined space
(smell), close the valve in the distribution
manifold or in the cylinder and ventilate
the space well before you take any other
measures (e.g. turning on the lights). This
will prevent the risk of explosion. If there
has been a big leakage, you need to call
the fire department to take care of the
ventilation. After the ventilation deter-
mine the impurities in the air in the area.
If a flashback occurs shut off the blow-
pipe valves. If a fire or explosion in the
hose occurs close the valves in the cylinders
and distribution manifold. Cool the
blowpipe after a backfire and purge it
before re-lighting.
You can put out a fire in the acetylene
valve by closing the valve.
You can put out a fire in the hose by closing
the valve in the distribution manifold
or in the cylinder. Or you can do it faster
by bending the hoses.
If an acetylene cylinder becomes hot, it
is a sign that the acetylene has started
to decompose. Take the cylinder immediately
out and cool it down with a water
jet or by submerging it into deep water
until the decomposing process stops.
Always call
the fire department!
If any defects occur while
using gas equipment, the most
important thing is always
to turn off the gas.