10. Personal Protective Equipment
The employer shall provide each employee the appropriate personal protective equipment
and clothing as needed to ensure that the job can be done in a safe way. This
equipment must have a CE marking. When the employee is required to wear personal
protective equipment (e.g. safety shoes), it is the employer’s responsibility to provide
the necessary footwear without any extra charge.
Work Clothes
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act employees should dress
in a manner that does not present a safety risk.
Take off watches and jewelry before beginning work where they could
cause a safety hazard.
Protect long hair to be sure your hair doesn’t get caught in equipment.
A gas lighter in your pocket increases the risk of accident. It is recommended
that you use matches instead.
Both the company name and the worker’s own name should be visible
on the outfit.
Hard hat
Employee’s name
Company name
Safety goggles
Flash light
Protective gloves
Overall Safety shoes