9.12 General condition
and muscle endurance
Each of us usually is pretty well aware of
own general condition, i.e. physical stress
resistance state. Respiratory muscle function
and cardiorespiratory fitness can be
evaluated, e.g. take a brisk walking up
the stairs (five floors) and see how out of
breath and tired you get. Estimate your
own state, needs and desire to raise the
level of your physical endurance.
If you decide to take action, start gradually
and choose comfortable ways for
physical activities. Good general condition
helps to cope with the ergonomic
working postures and managing safety
issues, refreshes your mind, as well as
increases your immunity and improves
overall activity.
You can train muscular endurance both in
a gym and at home. Work activities rarely
load the body in a balanced and effec-
tive way. Awkward postures and difficult
positions require various muscles of the
trunk, upper and lower extremities to
work. Good muscle endurance ensures
body recovery after working in harmful
postures in a controlled and safe way.
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