22. FIRST AID FOR COMMON INJURIES Encountering a patient
Is the patient
- Ensure open airways
- Ensure adequate respiration
an emergency call
- Ensure adequate blood
- Make an emergency call,
if needed
- Give the patient any
necessary first aid
Open the airways
- Keep the patient warm
and calm until
professional help arrives
Ensure respiration
Is the patient breathing?
Air flow?
- Turn the patient to a latera
recovery position
- Give the patient first aid,
if needed
- Monitor the patient breathing
until professional help arrives.
Start cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR)
30 chest compressions /
2 breaths
Continue cardiopulmonary
resuscitation as long as
you can until professional
help arrives and gives
you permission to stop
performing CPR
Patient is revived
Yes No
Yes the patient is breathing No the patient is not breathing