3. Shipbuilding and
A successful working day is when every-
one goes home safe and sound.
There is a health risk to the workers at ship-
yards and in the shipbuilding industry
from exposure to hazardous substances.
Exposure to some hazardous substances
can be a risk factor for illness. There are
also potential risks to the well-being of
workers. They may include work-related
pressures and stress, professional and/or
social skills requirements.
Noise and impurities in the air at the
workplace have been reduced with
technical and other solutions. The law
regarding asbestos has been changed and
use of asbestos has been stopped, and
dangerous solvents have been replaced
with other chemicals. Use of personal
protective equipment has increased and
the quality of protective equipment has
Shipbuilding can be challenging physical
work but it is possible to make the physical
work easier. At the planning stage
physical load can be managed by paying
attention to employee’s working postures
and movements. If possible, stress
should be placed equally on left and right
sides of the body. It is vital to do stretch-
ing exercises when working, because
creating perfectly ergonomic working environment
is rarely possible. Also, planning
your own work can save you from
many extra steps and keep out of unnecessary
risks. Reserve enough time to get
necessary auxiliary devices.
Staff activity and efforts to improve
ergonomic solutions are essential.
Employees are the best experts in their
own work. Forwarding development tips
and ideas is valuable. Although it is not
possible to realize all the suggestions,
some of them may be put into practice
sooner and some later.
Occupational health personnel can offer
advice on how to improve ergonomics at
work and manage stress and load placed
on the body. Everyone is capable to
influence own general condition, muscular
flexibility and endurance, eating
habits and breaks. Possibility for job
rotation and a positive attitude to work
are beneficial. Variable physical exertion
develops the body and helps to prevent
different joint and muscle pains.